'Tis the season and I will be ordering my annual Plum Pudding from
Duane Park Patisserie. I bring it to a friend's Christmas party in Brooklyn and I better not show up without it. Now if you're thinking "fruitcake", just stop right there. There is no comparison. This is a lush, moist concoction that would do Dickens proud. And of course it must be set aflame! The folks at the bakery will give you the instructions but here's how I do it: warm a 1/4 cup (or more) of brandy in a covered saucepan over a very low flame. Rum, whiskey or cognac will all substitute nicely. Pour the spirits over the cake, dim the lights and touch a lit match. You'll be rewarded with a lovely blue flame that will slowly die out (Who cares that your apartment doesn't have a wbf?). Serve it up with the hard sauce that Duane Park provides (I always order extra). Be warned: Caroling may ensue!
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